Martha Stewart "Gift For The Gardener" Picks The Hamtpons & Long Island Homegrown Cookbook

I never do this -- or hardly ever -- but because the news is so BIG and because the news channels both my Homegrown Cookbook AND gardens, I'm re-purposing or using a news story I did for my Celebrity Chefs and Their Gardens blog here on Garden Glamour.

After all,  Martha Stewart chose the book as a Garden Gift pick!
Enjoy the garden and good food news story.
It's a sparkler.

This was just too crazy!
I had been so anticipating and hoping the Martha Stewart feature recommendation would happen for my book.

I am much too polite to follow up much with my esteemed garden friends, Stephen Orr, editorial director for Gardening, Martha Stewart Living and his enduring, plant-loving associate, Melissa Ozawa, Martha Stewart Living, senior editor Gardening.

I think you may remember I had attended a lovely, only-in-Gotham-soiree last late autumn – (or was it early winter?) hosted by Gael Towey, chief integration and creative director of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia (MSLO) nearby Greenwich Village townhouse.

Here I met up with Stephen and Melissa – and Martha -- and Stephen told me they were planning to highlight my book, The Hamptons & Long Island Homegrown Cookbook on the Martha Stewart online Gift Guide.
I impetuously hugged Stephen.  I was overcome with unbridled joy.  Plus I do love Stephen J 

But in my overscheduled world where it seems I never get a chance to really catch up – in fact, it rather seems I just glide from one exciting event or deadline to another, this Homegrown milestone eluded me. 
I pride myself on my use of social media.  It’s no secret I have two Facebook pages, two Twitters, two blogs, three email accounts, and yet this Gift Guide “gift” from Martha was nowhere on my radar.

How could this happen?

Martha Messenger
It was only after EunYoung Sebazco, landscape designer and plant whisperer told me about it over exquisite plates of fresh sushi at her chef friend’s Jewel Bakko restaurant. 
I was stunned.  And so thankful she shared the good news. 

I have to write to Stephen and Melissa to atone for what must look like my ill-mannered non-response.

Allow me to digress a second. EunYoung is one of those angels you can’t believe you are fortunate enough to have crossed paths with in this galaxy. That you are able to call her friend is nothing short of life’s little miracles.  I will write about her shortly on “Garden Glamour.”  But I can’t say enough good things about her and her work. So indulge me. After all, she is the “Martha Messenger:”
Among her many artistic talents and quiet achievements is producing Gotham’s first-ever rice paddy:

Gift Guide
There is the no-doubt, bust-my-buttons pride for the recognition in Martha’s Picks.
It’s surely a dream come true that I want to be able to bask in for a nano-second. 
I couldn’t be more gobsmacked by it all.
Especially that “my” chefs and growers received the recognition they deserve.

Martha wrote:
Much more than just a book of recipes, this lush cookbook profiles outstanding Long Island chefs and their personal gardens.

Here is the link to the Martha Garden Gift Guide Pick:

Homegrown Friends

And you know what’s most rewarding and memorable as the actual achievement?

I shared the news on Facebook and the overwhelming Friends’ support makes me cry with joy. 
And blush.

The support ranged from “you deserve it” to “Love this!!! Congrats xoxo” to “This is the Cat’s Meow, terrific” to one of my dearest former bosses, Bob Dorf, writing: “Wow, Leeann … I knew it would be so, but you are every bit as much of a brilliant star in your “new” field as you were in your many years in pr. Congratulations… guess I better stop typing and buy one J

The group hug and Friend support is just as good a feeling.  I LOVE my friends!
Thank you.

So now, perhaps we can all take a moment and bask in the Homegrown and “Martha” moment.

But not for too long. 
It’s Hamptons Restaurant Week!  April 7-14th.
Enjoy the bounty of the gardens and the restaurants.


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