Garden Glamour Launches Tablescape Design Subscription Service

I couldn’t think of a better day to announce my garden-to-table inspired Tablescape Subscription Service than Earth Day.
I honor the inspired miracle of gardens and plants and nature and love…

I so love gardens, garden design, food and drink and artful hospitality -- which naturally evolved to designing and creating tablescapes.

Setting the table is setting a mood.

Not sure how to match your dream to the tabletop?

Allow me design a beautiful tablescape for you.

For as long as I can remember I’ve been enchanted by the luxury of hospitality.

What could be better than taking the time - yet another luxury - to show your love to family and friends with good food, drink, desserts, wine, and the glory of a glamorous table setting that whispers and winks, “Welcome! I cared so much about our soiree that I created this special homage to making our memory one to cherish, delight, and remember. “

I keep a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson on my work desk: “Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art.”

Tablescape designs are surely works of art.

And their beauty is in the details. Like a good cocktail, quality ingredients matter; they showcase a distinctive table decor’s creative design and underlying story theme without screaming it - using layers of compelling nuance, that appeals to our all our senses, and of course, whets the appetite.

How did I come to this artful passion?
I tell stories.

I’m a writer and a garden designer. Both endeavours, at their very best, tell a story. Offer a unique and personal narrative.

I’ve had the privilege to travel the world; to be astonished by presentations at first-class hotels and homes. I attend countless lectures and tastings.

So that experience and study inform my hospitality narrative, for sure.

I am also passionate about being creative. and I adore the arts - from fine art painting and sculpture to garden art and culinary art and the domestic arts to music... And all are essential to memorable, artful table designs.

(You can read more about me and my background - just to assure you of my hospitality and design bona fides - with some links below. But first -it’s all about you.)

Soon, my table setting decor evolved -- from setting a “proper” table for a sit down meal - dinner, brunch or a garden tea party or a “Ladies Who Lunch” or a soaring summer BBQ and picnic.

I found my love knew no bounds!

In time, my table setting became more of a curated display. Not only did I showcase seasonal flowers, but holiday-appropriate or themed treasures on the table that are meant to surprise and delight.

While I’ve been designing table looks for me and my garden design clients for some time, it wasn’t until last year that I was encouraged to expand this experience.

I’d been asked to provide presentations on how to design tablescapes. I was honored to showcase at the “What’s New, What’s Next” at the New York Design Center.

And the fun of receiving OMG feedback on social media - pushed me.

Increasingly, I was blogging about the table designs and posting on social media.

Then, just like that, Tablescaping has become a burgeoning phenomenon. Some have called it the lost or overlooked art.

Whether lost and rediscovered -- or a new love -- I’m thrilled to provide you with a Tablescape Subscription service.

I want to make your Tablescape design a customized hospitality experience for the way you live. The ergonomics of designing and arranging the elements of a heart-clutching tablescape composition does not have to be intimidating when you entrust me with your occasion.

I’m your Tablescape design partner. Few domestic pleasures are more satisfying than luxuriating in the table art every day. No special occasion is needed! You can treat you and your family and friends to this affordable extravagance.

A well-designed tablescape is luxury entertainment that creates a memory of emotions and a sense of place.

How it Works:

You can establish your subscription series with whatever frequency works for you.

Every quarter. Every month. On demand. It’s up to you.

You can email me your project details. Tell me what is the holiday, occasion; the date(s,); along with an image or two of your table or dining buffet island - indoors or out.

We’ll set up a phone call, email, and/or Facetime session. Whatever works with your schedule and preferred way of communicating. We’ll talk about your style; what your dreams and fantasies are for the occasion.

I’m your designer. I work with your hidden creativity.

We can work with items you have. No china? No problem. No crystal. No worries.

Plus, I love to repurpose things -- think toys, linens, name tags, vases, music boxes, watches, keyrings, games, books, origami, mirrors, and flowers! This is elegant and fun.

I can also shop for you - I gather items from estate sales, online design sources, as well as my New York City sources - the floral district and trinket shops - to the goldmine of shopping second-hand shops.

It’s a little secret (shhhh) that from Brooklyn to renaissance and antique shops, I find a cornucopia of items that are glamorous but that previous generations can’t pass on. So they end up in second-time-around shops or flea markets or online.

My curated discoveries add that sparkle and intrigue and delight to make your tablescape a hospitality tour de force.

I edit the tablescape composition - with as much or as little of your direction that works for you - to charm, enchant, and intoxicate you and your guests.

My ideas along with your taste, will transform your tablescape and entertaining into a sparkling, inspired experience.

And you can tend to your hosting with nary a worry.

I place the order and manage the shipping details.

You approve everything before the order is placed. If we need to order or buy anything.

The purchased tablescape decor items arrive with a map or outline sized to your table so that you just need to place the items in the designated spot as indicated on the map guide - kind of like a coloring book game. You can keep the items and will be charged or you can return them - as a kind of leased-for-fee design project.

The living items such as flowers or fish - you keep :)

Let’s Do this!

Subscription Platform
  • Monthly Tablescape Designs $350.00 + product & shipping 
  • Bi-monthly (every 2 months) Tablescape Designs $475.00 +product & shipping
  • Quarterly Tablescape Designs $550.00 + product & shipping
  • On Demand - priced per occasion
Please contact me here or at Houzz:

I look forward to working with you and designing artful, memorable, delightful, charming tablescapes with you for every season and occasion.

Some of my Tablescape and Hostess love from past posts:

Please read my blog and visit Houzz for more of my tablescape stories.  

Life's too short - make entertaining delightful... 



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