What Exactly Is Etiquette & Why It Matters: "Old Soul Etiquette" Founder Shares Tips On Manners & Career


“Etiquette is the science of living. It embraces everything. It is ethics. It is honor.”

So says Emily Post. 

Put another way, “Etiquette is a fancy word for kindness and respect…” 

So says Mariah Grumet,  Founder & Instructor, Old Soul Etiquette.

“I'm sure you agree that the world needs two scoops of kindness and respect.” So says me!  

And so said moi as part of this month’s Ladies Who Lunch Conversations videocast when Mariah was our very special guest.  

Mariah graciously inspired viewers with how she made a very successful career pivot along with heaping spoonfuls of advice that helps her clients gain self respect & confidence & kindness for ourselves so that we can go out into the world and display that to other people. 

Manners Matter.

Please join me in celebrating my recent Ladies Who Lunch Conversations guest: the inspiring, irrepressible, joyful Mariah Grumet.   

As you’ll experience in our delightful and informative Conversation, we learn how Mariah works to fulfill her mission “To bring intentional sparkle back to a lost art.” 

Cheers to that!  

And to artful living. 

Do you know the difference between etiquette and manners? 

Mariah explains in a thoughtful & elegant way what these basic life skills are. And how they are different. Yet related. She notes that it’s really all about instilling confidence. 


Watch & listen to learn how Mariah built her own successful business centered on social skills; launched in the time of the pandemic when the mere thought of socialization was not on everyone’s top to-do list.  

She’s a magnet for miracles!

If you’re not already a big fan and social media Follower, you can find Mariah on Facebook & Instagram at Old Soul Etiquette LLC. 

You’ll see she is now a Certified Etiquette Trainer, Certified as a Corporate and Youth Etiquette Trainer by Jacqueline Whitmore, Founder of The Protocol School of Palm Beach, Member of The International Etiquette Trainer Society led by The Protocol School of Southern California, she  

offers virtual and in-person sessions on topics from dining and table manners to the art of small talk and conversation, the importance of body language (think what messages you’re sending on those Zoom calls!), along with when to send a Thank You card vs. an email or text, and how to be a good host and guest. 

Not to mention some of her most sought-after sessions that are designed and focused on the needs for children, teens, business, social, and of course, style.  

Taking Charge of Her Career

In our Conversation, Mariah shares how she made her career pivot from the fashion world; how she manages the demands of her business trainings and all those social media challenges while balancing her creativity and family life. 

Mariah tells us how she determines the topics for her engaging Instagram and other social media posts.  And what sparks her creativity. 

Her services include private consulting, group sessions, webinars, speaking engagements, and special events from the family to business  ~ including showers, conferences, sports teams, and corporate training. 

And Mariah has just launched new classes for the spring.  Be sure to check out her website for details. 

There is just so much interesting history and opportunities and stories surrounding etiquette.  Our Conversation just flew by.

Etiquette - Wikipedia

And as I noted in our Conversation when I asked/suggested about how Mariah really should write a book; she winked a “Stay Tuned.” 

I gushed with unbridled enthusiasm, “While some of you may have known, I want to say, ‘You heard it here first!” 

So exciting, isn’t it? And it’s so, well, Proper!  

I, for one, can’t wait to get my copy of Mariah’s etiquette book.   

Please enjoy this special Conversation. You will learn so much from this true “old soul.” Channeling an Emily Post for our times…

Mariah notes she is “all about vintage style, not vintage values. “

Applause to that, too.

And I promise you’ll be as smitten with Mariah as I am. 

Thank you so much, Mariah. You inspire us with your sincere kindness and charm. 

Cheers! Mariah Grumet, Old Soul Etiquette

With fondness, I remember my parents teaching me that Please and Thank You are the magic words. Let's bring on that magic; that sparkle.

So, Please ~ Make your life so much more glamorous with etiquette. 

After all, it’s about respect and kindness. And living. Living your best.


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